Thursday, 1 August 2013

Week 5 Update

Up and down this week. I’ve had some days nearly heartburn free, and others not so much. I think I can relate it to something pretty straightforward, though disappointing if it’s true. On the mornings that I work out, I have mild burning in my esophagus for the rest of the day. “Working out” means Pilates-type exercises at the moment. I don’t really want to stop because I don’t get any pain at all when doing the exercises, or any localized pain afterwards during the day. So I don’t suspect that the LINX site itself is being irritated.

Any ideas about what might be going on physiologically? I’d be interested to know of any theories!

Might start exercising in the evening when I have time for it – but time in the evening is scarce, so it’s not ideal.

I read on a forum this week that someone who is something like 4 months out is having burning still, but his neurogastroenterologist said that he wouldn’t want to do another diagnostic test (manometry, 24 hr pH etc.) until 1 year out because in his experience people with the LINX are never refluxing. Strong words! I am encouraged by that in a big way.

Speaking of encouragement…I have to work on my mood not being affected by how I’m feeling on a particularly day. I mean, on the days when things are good, I am elated and so conscious of the before/after difference. But on the mild burning days, I do get down. Because of course, I want to be able to keep my body strong through exercise (which I need to do because I have hypermobile joints that can sublux and cause pain otherwise) AND be heartburn-free. Am I asking for too much?! ;)

However, I have to restate that even on the worse days, I am still better off than before the surgery, and especially when I consider the lack of medication…I am now PPIs completely, and loving it. Gaviscon tablets once or twice a day at this point – sometimes none per day.

No swallowing issues at this point, basically. Occasionally when wolfing something down I feel the traffic jam beginning, but water pushes it through. It's fun to think that my esophageal muscles used for peristalsis are actually stronger than they were before.

Can't think of much else to report... Let me know of any questions!

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